”俺のつまみ”で今宵は一杯! [佐渡の蔵元日記] 入力者: 尾畑留美子
| 料理研究家、ソムリエとしてご活躍の伊野由布子さんのつまみ本「俺のつまみ。」(日本経済新聞出版社)、ご覧になりましたか? 副題にあるように、居酒屋気分の小粋な肴101品が簡単レシピにまとめられています。素材はごくごく普通のものがほとんどで、冷蔵庫のあの野菜、この買い置きで、応用がききそうなのも嬉しいポイントです。
さらにさらに、伊野さんおすすめのデイリープライスの日本酒やワインも紹介されています。日本酒は1000円台の純米系を中心に個性豊かな全国のお酒が登場しています。 そして、真野鶴からも「辛口純米酒」がオン・リスト。全国でも有数の辛口の純米酒、今宵はどんな肴を合わせようかな?と楽しくページをくくるのでありました。
「サザエさん」で佐渡めぐり [佐渡の蔵元日記] 入力者: 尾畑留美子
皆さんも、テレビで佐渡をめぐって、それからぜひ現地にいらして下さいね。これからも、とても良い季節に恵まれる佐渡島ですから。 |
イタリアからの御来客 [佐渡の蔵元日記] 入力者: 尾畑留美子
| Buongiorno!の声とともに、本日、イタリアからお客様をお迎え致しました。 今日の佐渡はちょっと冬に戻ったかのような寒さ。 太陽の国からいらした皆様には、蔵の中はちょっと寒かったかと思うのですが、皆様が入口に入ってきたとたんに燕のつがいが大合唱で歓迎の唄をうたっていました。
ゆっくりと仕込み蔵をご覧頂き、その後は「真野鶴・万穂」や、佐渡金山で10年以上寝かせた秘蔵古酒などのティスティング・タイム。 限られた時間ながら、酒造りの空間を感じて頂けたなら嬉しい限り。
ところでイタリアと言えば、もちろんワインが有名ですね。 私は時々、シチリアのワインを見つけると飲むことがあります。 同じ島で、個性豊かなお酒の印象があるのです。
Kanpai ! with sake from Niigata [Rumiko Essay] 入力者: Rumiko Obata
| ◆◇◆Kanpai ! with sake from Niigata◆◇◆
The pride of Niigata, without a shadow of a doubt, would be its sake. The 97 sake breweries in Niigata have been working for generations to maintain its title as the Kingdom of Jizake(regional sake). The majority of the breweries are small, where sake is still produced by hand. However, the strong demand for their sake has shipped their product to connoisseurs all across the globe.
Along with the strong influence Japanese cuisine has had in many countries, sake has found a solid presence as well. The word jizake, or regional sake, is being used to distinguish the difference between their mass produced counterparts. Many tasters have likened the characteristics of sake to that of wine. There are even a select few who have an appreciation for a particular region.
In the midst of this newfound appreciation for jizake, sake from Niigata has been praised by many as having a gentle, delicate and smooth characteristic known as Tanrei. it may not be long before Niigata is recognized as a region where quality sake is produced, likened to Bordeaux, Napa and Bourgogne in the world of wine.
Not limited to sake, nature and tested, age old techniques are usually at the center of a finely crafted product. Niigata is blessed with an ideal climate for sake production, supplying brewers with pure water flowing from streams along snow capped mountains and an abundant supply of high quality sake rice. The brewers then craft nature`s bounties into high quality sake with their age old brewing techniques. The whole experience would be further enhanced by pairing this sake with regional cuisine.
Being from Niigata, I sincerely wish for people to appreciate the region along with its sake. It is said that jizake is truly appreciated when one has tasted it in the region where it was produced. It would be an honor if one day, people from across the globe would set foot on Niigata`s soil and enjoy our jizake paired with traditional regional cuisine. Conveniently located and surrounded by the Sea of Japan, Niigata has the potential of becoming an important city in northeast Asia. Niigata should not become a city of neon lights and imposing high rises. It should be appreciated as a city where ears of rice wave gently in the wind, where fertile soil give birth to flavorful vegetables, where you can have a conversation with the stars come nightfall. Niigata would make for an ideal Garden City, rather than a Metropolis.
It gives me much pride in thinking that this second, a bottle of sake from Niigata is being enjoyed by someone, somewhere in a country far, far away.. Our sake has crossed over the borders of many countries, and have left its tasters with a little tale of Niigata.
To my hope of Niigata gaining international recognition, I raise my glass of sake.
"Kanpai !"
by Rumiko Obata, from my essay published in the article of Niigata Nippo newspaper |
表参道「新潟地酒の会」(5) [佐渡の蔵元日記] 入力者: 尾畑留美子
| 写真は佐渡出身の新倉ゴマさん《酒ごはんコーディネイター》(右)、藤原留美さん《フラワーコーディネイター》(右から二番目)と、佐渡大好きな杉村さん《フラワーデザイナー》(左)と一緒に。
またこのような機会を設けたいと思いますので、ぜひご参加下さい! |
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